Ceramic Plug Technology

Kitchen repairs are a set of standard operating procedures that can be handled on their own without spending extra money on outside expertise. Of course, there are features and nuances inherent in this part of the apartment that need to be taken into account during the restoration: due to increased humidity, vapour formation and constant temperature changes, particular attention needs to be paid to the selection and use of construction and separation materials. One of the most successful alternatives to the kitchen is the ceramic stove. However, it would be appropriate not to lay the whole surface of the walls, but to lay down only in the places where the stove and the washing are located, i.e., to create a so-called " front " . In addition to clear savings in finance, the space will create a climate of cohabitation, and a combination of different types of materials will give the interior freshness and excretion.
The kitchen fairway can make the interior of the kitchen special and exquisite.
Quantitatively sticking the stick is a relatively simple task, on the one hand, and on the other, responsible. The neglect of technology may result in an external view of the kitchen being destroyed, even with very expensive and beautiful materials. Therefore, this article will try to describe the stove process with as much detail as possible.
First step: development of tools and materials
So you'll need:
♪ ceramic stovepurchased from one party;
Special adhesive mixture;
- Grounding;
- laundry;
Plastic crosses for stitches;
- Dubels;
- level of construction;